Respecting the Dignity of Every Human Being, Especially NEEDED in Times of War

I have been deeply saddened at the events and escalating war in the Holy Land. My heart is broken for those who have lost their loved ones and for the hostages and their families who must be feeling intense terror beyond words. I can only imagine the depth of sadness of all those directly impacted by the devastation of war.

 My pilgrimages to the Holy Land since 2011 have given me a glimpse of the humanity of the people in both Israel and Palestine. The Holy Land is not just the ancient sites where Jesus walked, it is also a living community of people like us who want to be at peace and live in prosperity with family and friends. Not everyone in Palestine wages violence on their neighbors. Making sweeping assumptions about a group or culture prevents real dialogue. The whole tragic situation begs the age-old question, “Is there a place for a just war?” I remember my seminary classmates examining this question with no consensus. Sadly, humanity seems to always fall back on the justification for war fueled by anger, fear, grief and revenge.

I believe humanity can do better. We can treat others with respect and dignity. Some believe that isn’t possible or even necessary in all cases. My soul deeply doesn’t accept that.

I offer these beautiful words from the Confirmation Rite in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer to remind us of our Christian task:

 Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving  your neighbor as yourself?

I will, with God's help. 

Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?

I will, with God's help. 

This is a tall order when we have been personally attacked. It seems humanity can often justify exceptions. I wonder, is true reconciliation between peoples a real possibility?

To put the challenge in perspective, there is the whole world, and then there is my little world. When I am totally honest, I must see and acknowledge where I am not truly at peace with everyone in my life. This is soul-searching, hard work that calls for gentle, loving action. Peace and reconciliation must begin with me, what is within my control and my reach. 

These vows help me to strive to see the common beauty --- and the ugliness --- within us all — to acknowledge, accept and then surrender to the process of growth and change. This is an invitation to open our hearts to be transformed into the love and light of Christ, to be the ones willing to love at all costs, just like Jesus, even if someone hurts us.

It may seem unimaginable and feel impossible, but that is the Christ path that we are invited to walk.

Please join me in prayer. Let us pray.

Holy God, Source of all,

Spirit of Life,

Christ the Embodiment of Love,

Gently rain down peace upon us

and all peoples.


Open our hearts wide

to see the light shining




Help us to see the hurts,

the wounds,

the injustices

so that we can build bridges between us.


May we be instruments of peace,


and love.


May our hearts know

the peace of God Source

in the depths

of our being.



Peace, Shalom, Salaam



Gena Davis

body, heart, mind and soul true essence awakening

Meditation with sound