welcome to my pharmacy.

Imagine you are in your quiet space, wanting to be nurtured, grounded, and healed in some way that only your heart knows. You begin playing your alchemy crystal bowls, connecting with their soothing and relaxing sounds. Emotionally, the sounds ground you and support you, and you begin to relax and feel better. Tears may flow, and you know they are part of your healing. As you play, insights come. The sound waves activate energy centers within you and bring your body into resonance with the pure tones. The time spent playing the bowls has been prayer time and you feel connected to the universe in a special way. In some deep way, you know your bowls are here to serve you, as companions to help you heal and awaken.

I have been transformed and healed by playing beautiful alchemy crystal bowls over these past 4 years and am thrilled to be invited, along with my dear friend CJ Rubenak, to be crystal bowl keepers for Crystal Tones™. These bowls provide deep healing and transformation, and to hold space for them and allow them to flow into the hearts and hands of those whom the bowls wish to serve is a great joy. I am happy as a child at play!

You may ask, why would I become a sound healing practitioner and a crystal bowl distributor? As an Episcopal priest, I have the honor to lead sacred ritual and offer myself as a vessel for spiritual healing. My deepest joy in ministry is when I assist others in their healing process—whether through spiritual direction, receiving the Eucharist, sitting in a circle in silent meditation, listening to a hurting heart, attending to soul of the dying, or helping to open the body and emotions with yoga. My work is focused on healing in body, heart, mind and soul. The service YogaMass that I created is a whole-self experience of healing, awakening into embodying the Christ within. As part of the YogaMass offering, I often play alchemy crystal bowls, and I hear from many how they impact and deepen your experience of movement into wholeness. The bowls have been an important part of my own spiritual journey these last four years, opening my body and consciousness expansively.

My perspective of spirituality is holistic; spirituality encompasses an integrative approach to wellness. As a child, we never had junk food in the house. My mother is an herbalist and healing practitioner of nutrition. From my earliest memories on, she taught me the importance of healthy eating and nutritional support to strengthen the immune system, energize the body, and prevent illness. I engage Western medicine for diagnosis, and then use that information with a holistic care team to treat the whole self and root cause with nutrition, herbs, fresh organic foods, acupuncture, chiropractic care, yoga, meditation, intention and prayer. Pharmaceuticals and surgery are last resorts for me. As I continue to move into a healthier state of being, I recently engaged the difficult process of having the heavy amalgam metals from dental fillings removed from mouth and replaced with porcelain to detox and become healthier, clearer and lighter. 

I am aware that Mother Earth, clean air and water, and natural organic foods sustain me beyond physical nourishment. When I eat well and breathe fresh air, my whole being is happy. My physical and subtle bodies benefit when I practice gentle yoga, meditation and prayer. The plants we eat provide nourishment from their source, the earth—in the form of minerals and elements. (Remember the periodic table in Chemistry class?) Our physical bodies come from the same earth as the plants, and they feed us with the nutrients our bodies need to sustain health and balance.

So why alchemy crystal bowls? Crystals, too, come from the earth and are made of various alchemical combinations of the elements. Quartz is a crystalline mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms. Amazingly, silicon quartz powers many of our modern technological advances including computer chips and smartphones. Even in its tiniest form, quartz is a powerful transmitter of information and energy.

Alchemy quartz crystal singing bowls from Crystal Tones™ are made of 99.992% quartz crystal infused with various combinations of gems, minerals and metals. The elements within one of these exquisite and unique bowls (no bowl is ever exactly like another) combine to become a powerful healing instrument. As you listen to the sounds and receive the sound vibrations and waves washing over and through you, your body can be restored back into its natural vibrational state. This is known as vibrational medicine (it’s in the same family as ultrasound whose vibrations can even show images—of a baby in utero!) Vibrational medicine is now being applied in Western medicine, although sound healing was used in ancient times, going back into the Vedic cultures in India and in Egypt.

Alchemy Crystal Bowls for Sound Healing—Welcome to my Pharmacy! My pharmacy is sacred. Bowls are vessels; they represent womb space, where creative activity and birthing happens. When I play my bowls, I am changed and energized. As a priest, these bowls are my chalices. They express heaven and earth alchemically combined—both Mother Earth elements and Holy Spirit energy. As I serve consecrated bread and wine from Christ’s table, I also serve pure quartz crystal healing energy and sound infused with additional earth elements in my sound baths. This is part of my sacred work of service to assist others in healing. As I write this, I can hear the chimes of alchemy crystal bowls resonating through the sanctuary, the sound waves bringing deep peace in the bodies, hearts, minds and souls of the worshippers experiencing sacred presence. 

Crystal bowls can be played for our ourselves, close friends and family, clients, congregations, yoga classes, workplaces, and with any group where the sounds will be received in an open and receptive way. Please check out my upcoming sound baths, trainings and YogaMass services, and let me know if I can support your group. I love to play for groups who wish to engage in wholeness and well-being. 

If you would like to book an online appointment to see the bowls, have a private sound healing session, or invite me to speak or play for your group, please reach out to me here. I am happy to serve you. 

In love, light and sound,


Gena Davis

body, heart, mind and soul true essence awakening


we will create peace, together.


a pentecost prayer.