a pentecost prayer.

On this day of Pentecost, my heart is both heavy and uplifted. I woke up this morning with these strange waves of emotions, as if a burning fire is churning the energy within me.

I have grief and sadness for the multitude of losses with COVID and the continual systemic challenges in our society that bring unnecessary violence and loss of life. I pray for George Floyd and his family. His community is hurting. I also know am his community. I am his sister in Christ. 

My hope is in both God and humanity. The healthcare workers and first responders have made us proud and continue to work hard to keep us all safe. Thank you so much to all of you. Even more ... Spirit is moving to create a new humanity where everyone actually knows and believes that each and every life is one worth living. Today, I offer this Pentecost prayer for us together to remain faithful and vigilant, gentle and courageous, as we lift up our hearts and lives to God. 

Holy God, Spirit Fire,

Breathe your Spirit upon and within us

Fill our breath with your power.

Open our ears to listen to the cries of the hurting

Open our hearts to respond with compassion and care

Empower us to create a new world

Through us:

“Let justice roll down like waters,

and righteousness like an everflowing stream.”


May we flow with you, Spirit, to create a new world

A world where every life matters

A world where we look into each other’s eyes and smile to know someone. 

A world where every person can flourish and live into their highest potential.

May we be empowered through Spirit to create a new humanity

where love, kindness, gentleness, patience, compassion and self-control flow from the hearts of all people,

where hatred, racism, oppression, violence, greed are no more. 

Only lovingkindness, dignity and respect for all.


Spirit Fire, empower our speech, our voices, our actions.

Lead us to bring the needed change in our hearts, our communities, 

and in the systems of society that no longer serve us.

Spirit Fire, burn in our hearts and lead us to create a just and safe world for all. 

In Christ’s name,


May this Pentecost light our hearts on FIRE.

A blessed Pentecost to you,


Gena Davis

body, heart, mind and soul true essence awakening


welcome to my pharmacy.


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