Each day, I awake with the awareness that something is being birthed inside of me.  It reminds me of the days of my pregnancy, when that feeling that something beyond me, bigger than me, was happening around me and inside of me. As my new book comes to its fruition (it is in the publication stage), I feel as though I am birthing something altogether new - new for me and new for the world.  It is my creation, and yet it feels like so much more ... like I am flowing with the Spirit and ready to birth this story, this idea, this movement into integration, Spirit, aliveness, embodied spirituality, and wholeness.  

I am excited to announce my new book which will be out in a few weeks: YogaMass: Embodying Christ Consciousness. The book launch will be held the weekend of June 10 and 11, 2017 to coincide with our June YogaMass experience.  Please join me, my family, and friends in Houston as we launch this Gospel message of transformation.

This journey of exploration, discovery, voice and healing is the journey of a life well lived.  Praying we will walk it together.

In Christ's Consciousness,


Gena Davis

body, heart, mind and soul true essence awakening

The Unwelcome Guest Leaves a Mark